Monday, January 7, 2013

Worth Taking

Yesterday I changed some settings and in my opinion the blog ended up being much better. What a stupid person I was being. You know why? Because all that time, I was quite unsatisfied with the white-color of the letters and gray of the background. However, I didn't even try to change before because I was afraid everything would get even worse. I basically let the fear take over the situation. Bad.
But yesterday I thought that if I didn't try, it would never ever change. But if I tried to change, there would have a chance to get worse, but there would hopefully have a chance to get better. I would never have  found out, if I hadn't tried. Honestly I was afraid of losing all settings that were up.
Despite everything, I took the risk and changed practically every setting! Colors, background, added gadgets. Look at the result now! Much better, isn't it? It may not be the way I was thinking, but it is way better than it was. Do you know why it is the way it is? Because I knew there was a risk, but in the end I didn't let it keep me from changing. I risked and succeeded.
I can take a big lesson out of it. When you are in an uncomfortable or unpleasant situation, where you are unsatisfied with, you have to take the risk of making it better. If you don't, it will never change and you'll keep unhappy. Worse than it is, it won't get. The risk is worth taking.


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